An ode to Park Si-woo, author of the masterful book “bamboo salt is science”.

Author Park, Si-woo
Salt, minerals and trace elements are essential for the enzymes in our bodies.
Modern humans usually have a shortage of minerals and trace elements. It is estimated that 1/3 of the total world population suffers from mental and physical health problems due to a lack of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.
Minerals and trace elements existed long before carbohydrates, fats and proteins were formed. Unfortunately, modern agriculture only adds nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil. Because of this intensive way of farming our grains, plants, legumes, fruits and animals are deprived of the 81 minerals and are overloaded with toxic chemicals.
Bamboo salt is unrefined sea salt enriched by a natural process with the minerals from bamboo. This makes bamboo salt the ideal carrier of alkaline salt and its trace elements.

Bamboo filled with unrefined sea salt.
The richest sources of minerals and trace elements are:
• seaweeds (algae),
• bamboo salt,
• unrefined sea salt and
• wild herbs.
Nobel Prize winner and heart specialist Dr. Alexis Carrel already stated in 1912 that:
“The soil, the terroir, is the beginning of all life on earth. Our Health depends entirely on the fertility of the earth.”
In other words: Our health depends on the minerals still present in the earth. The earth is the basis for the vegetables, plants, herbs, legumes, fruits and (possibly) animals that we eat.

Our health depends on the minerals still present withinin the soil.
Vitamins, such as vitamin D, cannot do their job without the help of various minerals.
Unfortunately, our diet is getting poorer and poorer in minerals and trace elements. Bamboo salt helps vitamins to do their job.
Scientist Linus Pauling, founder of orthomolecular medicine and quantum physics, stated as early as the 1970s and 1980s:
“People suffering from poor digestion (indigestion), chronic fatigue or poor sleep may have weakened cells as a result of deficiencies in minerals, trace elements and vitamins.”
In fact, vitamins cannot do their job without the help ofthe various minerals and trace elements, which are becoming increasingly scarcer in our diet. This creates a problem. Supplementing mineral deficits such as seaweeds or bamboo salt helps the body to function better molecularly.
“Vitamins cannot do their job in case of mineral deficiencies. When vitamins are reduced, the body can make partial use of minerals.”
What are 5 important functions of minerals and trace elements?
Acid base balance, SOD, vitamin E….
- Minerals and trace elements are important components of body tissue.
- Minerals and trace elements activate the enzymes that keep our cells alive.
SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) in enzymes is an enzymatic activity that slows down or even repairs the damage caused by free radicals. SOD needs zinc, copper, and manganese to do its work - Minerals and trace elements ensure an acid-base balance;
“Become alkaline or die” is the title of a book. Bamboo salt is strongly alkaline and helps your body to remain healthy. - Minerals and trace elements activate vitamins.
For example, vitamin E prevents oxidation of fats. Vitamin E cannot function properly in our body in the absence of certain minerals. - Minerals and trace elements are building blocks for our hormones. The imbalance in the hormones often finds its origin due to a lack of essential fatty acids and a lack of certain trace elements (minerals).
“Our health depends more on sufficient minerals than on vitamins, calories, carbohydrates or proteins that we eat. Bamboo salt and in particular seaweeds are an ideal source of trace elements and minerals ”
Bart Maes, organic veggie man