date sugar

Date sugar is not refined sugar.

Date sugar is actually the dried date very finely ground. So it is not the sugar extracted from dates. It…

2 years ago

What is date syrup or date syrup?

Date syrup or date syrup are the same. They are synonyms. Date syrup is unique in the world of syrups…

2 years ago

A summary of the nutritional values of dates, date sugar, date syrup and date paste

Dates and date products contain at least 8 minerals and 10 vitamins. They are a source of fiber. Including polyphenols…

2 years ago

Science, sources, references about dates and date products such as date sugar, date paste and date syrup

Scientific Reports [1] MI Asif, OA Tahir, AF Farah The effect of some chemicals and growth substances on pollen germination…

2 years ago